Volunteering Read more about volunteering here: VWLBC Volunteers’ Manual Volunteer Opportunities VWLBC is a non-profit organization that exists because of volunteer members. Your participation is vital to the operation of the club. I am willing to serve as a club volunteer in 1 or more of the following areas:(Required) Building Maintenance Bar Helpers and Returns Cleaning Club Rental set-up indoor and/or outside Coaching Community Games Gardens Grants Greens Kitchen, Potlucks, Socials Marketing Membership Recycling Sustainability These volunteer roles are filled by experienced members: Bar Manager, Guest Services Coordinator, Lockers/Name Tags/ Trophies/Engraving Coordinator, Membership Coordinator, Volunteer Coordinator, and the Website Coordinator. Name(Required) First Last Email(Required) Phone(Required)(XXX) XXX-XXXXConsent(Required) I agree to the privacy policy. (https:/vicwestbowls.ca/privacy-policy/)