Victoria West Lawn Bowling Club
Join us for for some fun Lawn Bowling during the summer and many other activities hosted at the Club, including croquet. We are a very sociable group and welcome all ages from 8 to 80! During the summer we offer coaching for all ages. Members have the opportunity for club draws, in-house tournaments and Inter-Club Tournaments. There is something for everyone – beginners, the experienced, and the competitive bowler. Fun social activities happen all year long. Please come out and join us!
If you are interested come try lawn bowling or croquet!

After learning how to bowl and joining the club you have the option of continuing to work for free with a coach on any aspects of your game
All you need is a pair of flat-soled shoes. The club supplies bowls to first-year members.
The Clubhouse is also available for use for meetings. Please contact Michael Ewart.
Vic West Lawn Bowling & Croquet is located on the traditional territory of the Lkwungen peoples, (Songhees and Esquimalt). We are grateful to conduct our activities on this beautiful land.

Conveniently located in Vic West on the edge of the Victoria West Park near the corner of Esquimalt Rd. and Bay St.
Free parking is available in Victoria West Park Parking on Bay Street, located between the
Da Vinci Centre (195 Bay Street) and Park West Apartments (55 Bay Street).
95 Bay St.
Victoria, BC. V9A 6X9
PH: 250-382-0751
Mailing Address:
100 – 180 Wilson St.
Box 45009 Westside P.O.
Victoria, BC V9A 0C3